Reflections… 2010 was a shitty year

It’s right about that time of the year, few more weeks and 2010 is history… It’s almost over pretty much and for me a good opportunity to reflect on things. Overall, it was pretty shitty in my book because a lot of bad shit happened. Got nothing to complain about on the business side of things though where all is well and as busy as ever but everything that goes on behind the scenes with what matters most in life and that is family and friends… This year was pretty bad.

Seemed like every other person I know had 10x of the usual drama… Sicknesses… Hospitals… And the worst things of all is a few death’s in the family. Argh. Has been a pretty stressful year with everything that you can only imagine and then some but it is what it is. That is life. I am really looking forward to the new year, hopefully it will be better than 2010… I am starting to prepare mentally and get re-motivated and somewhat excited for what is to come.

It’s so damn easy to get outta touch with what matters most in life for anybody who does biz almost exclusively online and in this virtual world… Everything that goes on here can be extremely overwhelming. Easy to ignore and forget the little things which are actually the most important. All I gotta say is that you better have somebody keeping you in check, be it your girlfriend, wife, brothers, sisters, friends, etc. Everybody needs a kick in the ass… I get mine on a consistent basis, hopefully you get yours too. It’s good for you. Really. Be greatful!

2 comments total

  • Domain business sucked…but the stock market made alot of people alot of money including myself. I had the best stock market year in 10 years.

    You are 100% right about needing an ass kicking once in a while…the more fast money i made in the stock market, the more stupid things i did with that money…i agree…i need a good ass kicking…

    any volunteers?

  • I hope your 2011 is much more enjoyable, healthy and less dramatic! …and about the kick in the ass – you’re right.

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