Pure-play domainers… A dying breed

I think it was Frank Schilling who coined the term “pure play domainers” a few years back… Unfortunately there aren’t that many pure play domainers AKA full time domain professionals around that are active in the domaining industry. Many have cashed out or gotten involved with various other stuff in the last few years as things have gotten tougher.

Rick Schwartz is still very much a pure play domainer and active on many fronts, Frank Schilling is another one who pops up here and there… So you are wondering what will earn you this title of a pure play domainer? To me, if you make about 80% to 90% of your livelihood and then some from domains… That makes you a pure play domainer. It’s definitely not easy to get up there, but anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

I see people bitching all day long about a million things concerning domain investing and then getting on Rick Schwartz’ case for being a bit too brutally honest and open… Come on now.. Seriously, like him or not, he is one of the very few pure play domainers around who puts out there good advice day after day and year after year consistently which if you have the ability to digest properly, you can easily run with it and go places…. FAST!

I love Ron Jackson’s DNJournal feel-good industry news articles, Elliot’s and Andrew’s daily industry briefs but Rick Schwartz’ blog is one of the most important domainining resources that there is. This info is coming straight from a guy who has been there practically since day one, tried it all, an insider in every sense and he still continues to make money with domains in new ways and evolving…. It simply doesn’t get any better than that.

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