So I purchased this one about a year ago for $x,xxx and secured all the other gTLD and few ccTLD’s to cover my ass because I thought I had a perfect project to launch on this one… Was really excited and all. Well, it’s been a while now and as you can see… There is still nothing on this domain.Ooops! Totally forgot about it.

I like to play around with words in general, so my logic is… Some domains can be referred to as doughmains if they are worth a lot of dough… You know what I mean or is this all non-sense? LOL :)   I’ve worked with the fella who owns actually, he is a great guy… and I think is the next best thing to for a unique service for industry insiders… Yes, you have to be creative and do a lot of branding, but I think there is potential. Who knows?!

Anyways… I am trying to figure out what exactly to do with this one in 2011. Scrapping my original idea and I am looking for some new ideas. Lets hear em!

3 comments total

  • I think like you, that may not be a good thing for you.
    I believe you have the right idea.
    As far as I’m concerned, the web will have to become dynamic sooner or later; relying on Google as the only source of traffic and monetization is why nobody is getting anywhere. Brand-able domains, and serious ideas implemented on them is the only solid way to make money. Think Groupon etc…

    Do your thing. Don’t wait for approval from “domainers”, they are Google 3 cents lapdogs.

    I like

  • sorry… but doughmains is too cool by half.
    just my opinion. hope it works anyway.

  • Hey Mike, I like it. Its a brand, different, but catchy. Just offer something other then domain registrations :-p

    Domain news is done. Domain tools is done. Domain chat is done. Maybe we need something unique…I will let you figure it out, I am off to sleep.

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