Those keyword dot com domains go to work for you right away.. Here is proof ;)

Now it’s really no surprise to see such results, but here it is… Results from two on-topic networks we mass developed less than a year ago. One consists of approximately 30 domains, which already generated  67,000 unique visitors and the other consists of exactly 100 domains which received over 140,000 unique visitors.

These domains had no organic / type in traffic to begin with so all of this traffic was generated via search engines and other website referrals.. How?? Why?! Because we developed them properly, by putting together the right content and doing all of the on-page SEO as well as cross linking all sites within each network accordingly. Search engines love this stuff, as do other webmasters / visitors.

Since 2002 I’ve helped launch hundreds of these on-topic networks.. Some of them consist of 10 – 30 domains.. Some 100 – 200 while some even with thousands of domains. The results are pretty much always nothing short of amazing as time goes by. In this two cases, we did no link-building or anything else that is fancy schmancy whatsoever.. Just picked out the right keyword domains, optimized them properly and it’s a done deal… Success! All thanks to domain mass development ;)

The first network that I’d like to talk about is the “salary” group of websites which consists of domains ending with the suffix *salary… It was launched August 2009. Our client registered 30 relevant keyword domains, so each domain was about 2 – 3 keywords long. The domains were all registered in late 2009. They were not aged domains, or anything like that… They were your typical domains that are often overlooked, because they are too specific and targeting one specialized niche.

The second network we launched in July of 2009 and it consisted of eyewear related domains which were registered for a couple of years already, so they were indeed aged but unfortunately they were all parked for all these years. Many of them were banned and/or penalized with the search engines… However, as you can see, we were able to re-establish the domains SEO profile quickly and get them ranking for 1000’s of targeted keywords overtime.

So, when you know what you are doing when it comes to domain development, it’s really not all that difficult to make money in this biz. Not that difficult to start turning in a profit the same month either. You don’t need a huge budget for SEO and marketing… You really don’t. But what you do need is the right keyword domains.

You can still find great keyword domains that end with dot com… Don’t expect them to receive type-in traffic though… But what you can expect is for them to go to work for you right away as soon as you develop them. The search engines love targeted 2 – 3 keyword .COM domains that contain relevant and unique content.

You are probably wondering how much it cost to develop those 130 domains? It was around $6,000… Less than $50 per site actually total. Yup.. It was more than affordable… It was a steal! But that is what domain mass development is all about at the end of the day. So if you think there is no more opportunities out there in the domain space or that domain development is too expensive, think again. :)

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