prices slashed on name server / reverse ip reports big time… Hmmm?

Close to a million people visit each and every day… It is currently one of the top 200 most popular sites on the internet according to it’s ranking, which is 181. It is probably the second most famous domain industry related website / service that exists right behind which is heavily advertised in the mainstream and not surprisingly attracting over 30 million visitors per month.

So I don’t frequent as much as I used to in the old days, but it was interesting to discover that the prices for name server and reverse ip reports get slashed… Big time! Just recently I was discussing this domain spy / research type of tool or whatever you wanna call it with a close friend and half jokingly I said “Who can afford to pay $1000s for this reports and lookups man… It’s ridiculous!! Probably only government agencies such as FBI”

Well, the good news is that now they are as affordable as can be…. I joke you not! For example, I can order a report of Kevin Ham’s (the man who owns/owned the internet :) ) entire domain portfolio and any other domains parked with Hitfarm for $138! There is 630,000 domains listed if I order the Name Server Report.

The Reverse IP report is a bit more expensive for some reason… Not even sure what the difference between the two reports is,  both of them only display the domains setup and hosted under the name server being looked up. Anyways, the Reverse IP shows a total of 665,000 domains for and the price is $400. Still an affordable price and good value.

Now the big question is… What effect is this going to have on domainers with large portfolios? Domainers with portfolios full of trademark typo domains?? Spying and revealing all this data is now as easy as 1-2-3! You gotta wonder… :?

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