sale update — now avail to be split into two parts

So it’s been one month since announcing that we’re for sale. A lot has happened behind the scenes, which I do not want to get into because really, no time. So anyways, we are now willing to split the sale into two parts. First one being the entire brand + membership baseĀ  and the other being all proprietary technology / systems which you love and enjoy daily to find the best expired domain auctions daily.

The first option is basically the front-end; website, members, newsletter subscribers, etc… Second option is actually the entire custom “engine” that loads up and processes all of the millions of domains, filters, publishes, etc.

Reason for the split-up is because we’ve had the most interest in this type of deal from various potential buyers… We’ve also reduced the asking price just this past weekend to come closer to an agreement and make this deal happen. We are highly motivated, so if you are interested and want in on the action… Hit me up directly before it’s too late :)

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