Times change… Ahhh! WTF?

Here comes just a random rant because, man, times have really changed. I remember not so long ago in our lovely space… Domains were mostly being pitched and sold on multiples of generated revenues by their organic traffic (type in’s) and in some cases comparable reported sales numbers which meant there was a clear demand and resale potential, which meant a guaranteed profit down the road assuming values keep holding/ going up… Which fortunately for many of us, they have and still do.

Nowadays everywhere you look domains are being sold as the next big thing of this and that niche… ONCE DEVELOPED… That is the only catch, but of course! :) Instead of domain sales with traffic stats, they are provided with search volumes, PPC ad prices which most often than not make very little sense, etc…. It’s a new era, I suppose.

Now I am just as guilty as the next guy of pitching names for sale using these stats and method, because it’s now the norm…. But does it really make sense or are we fooling ourselves… Hmm. That is up-to the buyer to decide I guess.

Things have gotten a lot more ridiculous overall in the domaining biz… Just like it has gotten pretty wild and out of control in just about every industry out there, including health, finance, food, entertainment, etc. Not sure if it’s consumers becoming more stupid or just don’t give a fuck but it is what it is, they let is happen every day and actually support it whether they realize it or not…. However, people are still going on about their lives, having fun, making some money and so on… So it’s all good, right? LOL… For now.. Sure.

So…. Today I’ll be watching my GF’s new favorite must watch show, the Jersey Shore… I don’t even remember last time I watched MTV for more than 5 mins, but when comes Thursday… I gotta be there or else she will get pissed. Sure, I’ll admit… The show is a bit of fun, as everybody likes drama but damn.. Whenever you turn on MTV apparently that is all that is on. Nothing but reality TV and drama bullshit.

Wasn’t it Music TV at one point… I remember back in the day when I was a youngster (early 2000) they had some good programming and played cool videos but apparently now it’s just drama, drama and some more drama… Which I do not give a shit about, but millions upon millions of people definitely do and are obsessed with it and think these people are super-stars and hotter and cooler than you and me which I have a serious problem with because I am much cooler, for real, yo :)

Oh and it’s not just in the USA… Things are just as wild, if not wilder in other places throughout the world as well in developing countries in the EU-ASIA. I think it’s good to have a lot of fun in life but damn… When is enough enough? WTF are these shows and music videos teaching the youth.. What is the whole point to begin with? LOL! We’re now officially addicted to all this garbage, sad part is, nobody even realizes it. It’s just a part of life.

Wait… Why am I even worrying about this stuff or bringing it up. It’s none of my problems… Now back to watching these videos, they are pretty entertaining…. Must… Find…. More…. Cuz… So…. Cool… Mmm… Can’t live without em :D

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  • I got to find better things to do with my time…I just spent 4 minutes watching a baby baby baby music video of girls covered by a black square walking around a small street in Paris…guess I could of just gone to XNXX and got the same satisfaction minus the black squares :-p

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