Are we really crazy… Cuz attila said so?

Below is anĀ  e-mail I got from somebody earlier today which I thought I would share with everyone and address as well.

“Man, you’re crazy thinking someone will pay couple hundred bucks a month for a list they can simply go and search themselves through price or quantity of bidders.

Personally, I think if your price range was $10-$25 you would be far more successful. There are too many “newbies” in this domain industry that need services like yours. While some domain professionals will just get it to periodically find a name they possibly overlooked.

If your prices become more reasonable, let me know and I’d be happy to pay you a smaller fee each month. After all, its far better having 10,000 members paying $20 a month then 100 members paying $200 a month.”

You know, we literally get at least a couple of these complaints every other day. People who find the service useful, but want it super cheap or practically free. So lets see, they cannot afford to pay $99 per month? HA! They probably can but they don’t want to. They want everything free or very very cheap… Ahh, spoiled domainers. It’s all of the “domain parking” companies fault, I tell ya ;)

But it’s really not my problem you don’t have $99 or you have become such a cheap and wise ass. This service is not for everyone at the end of the day. It was never meant to be. We provide something very unique here and that will never change. The prices will remain the same, if anything they will only go up with time as we fill up-to capacity which is somewhere around 500 to 1000 members total.

We’re still running promotions every so often and many people have taken advantage of this opportunities and signed up, saving up-to 50%. Locked into discounted pricing by purchasing memberships for 3 / 6 month’s and even 1 year in advance. Smart move!! We appreciate their support and continue to work hard at making the service better overall.

Just one or two domains picked up from our daily lists should pay for the monthly membership and then some… Easily! The price points are what they are today because we decided on them specifically after doing a lot of in-depth market research and pre-launch testing. We really don’t want to price it very low because then the flood gates would open for newbies, such as the fella who wrote the e-mail.

Those newbies always require a lot of “hand-holding” which means non-stop e-mail questions back and forth. Providing support to these people takes up a lot of resources whereas professional domainers already know what to do and rarely require any support. We love them!!

Those cheap ass’ people believe that everybody else’s service should be free, but if they run their own crappy service or sell some kind of a product… Well, then that isĀ  the exception of course. Right! It is ok to charge $$$ for it. .. Ahh, the hypocrisy.

So if you can’t afford to pay $100 – $200 for a monthly membership, you are not really our type of client. Not the demographic we are after… Sorry! It’s nothing personal, just business :)

3 comments total

  • I agree with Attila on this. ;-)

    By the way, the purpose of the email was to offer some business marketing ideas and in return, perhaps get a coupon ~ membership incentives to even special pricing.

    However while scrolling for domain news, I saw my name in the title and went “wtf, another Attila in the industry??” only to find out, I am simply the one and only, Attila.

  • I wouldn’t pay much attention to this whiner. Just a few minutes ago, I came across some other comments by Attila, all with a negative tone. People like this remind me of my grandfather – they always find something to complain about.

  • @Attila – “Lower your price” is by no means good marketing advice. Even if Mike managed to increase conversions 10-fold by charging 10% of the current price, customer service costs go way up from the surge of new customers.

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