Domain conferences offering what nobody gives a shit about…

Yup, that is sure how it seems nowadays.. Domain auctions that nobody gives a shit about… Keynote speakers that nobody gives a shit about… Overall just lots of hype and the same ol’ same old… So really, why should anybody give a shit about YOUR conference? Good question.

Now here is two important issues which may have a quick fix, coming from somebody who has been observing these domain conferences pretty much since inception, from the sidelines I will admit right off the bat, but nonetheless I have been observing them closely as I am always trying to keep up with whatever is up in this hyper active biz we all like to call domaining and the conferences since about 2004 have become a pretty “big deal” as many like to think…. Without a doubt.

Domain Auctions

So anyways, the auction problems has a very simple solution. It’s called better screening and more aggressive marketing of the top domains. Most auctions nowadays have hundreds of domains or even 500+ which is really overkill. You gotta be able to find the best of the best domains and make sure they are priced right so that they can at least get a bid or two, or maybe, just maybe get a bidding war.

It’s pretty embarrassing selling a dozen or few dozen domains out of 500+ and only having a few big sales here and there saving the day. Whoever is auctioning off these domains does not have a good pulse on the industry and not staying on top of things.

You would think that when you have all this exposure on the big stage, all eyes on you, you would put forward the best domains possible which have the biggest probability to appeal to the buyers and hopefully sell… But nope. Time and time over and over again we see this poor results and then next time around, it happens all over again. Go figure! LOL :D What a joke.

Domain Conferences Keynote Speakers

I don’t know if it’s just me, but many of the keynote speakers and just so called experts on the panels do not really interest me one bit, thus, I do not give a shit about what they have to say to begin with… I never read any post-conference reviews / highlights or watch the videos, unless there is somebody with a bunch of half naked chicks running around or doing something crazy stupid.

This problem right here is what directly infeluces attendance and the crowd turnout at all these events, once you take away the mini social get-togethers here and there, catching up from whomever and lovefest’ going on everywhere you look from insiders who kiss each others ass (clients and service providers) So cute and sweet. Aww!

Networking and biz opportunities can be improved 10x if there were a larger and maybe a more diverse crowd. It can happen… Without a doubt, but who is going to make it happen? Shit doesn’t just happen on it’s own. Firstly, I’d say…. There needs to be better keynote speakers to create buzz and of course just better panelists who know their stuff. Then maybe just maybe there is hope and light at the end of this dark and miserable tunnel we seem to be stuck in.

The current guys who have been called on are just a bunch of blahhhh people… Either nobody’s or has-been’s. They don’t really have any large communities or strong followings behind them or any achievements worthy of mentioning either.

Now if one of the conferences were to call up on say, Aaron Wall or Rand Fishkin… Whole different story. These people have 10,000’s if not 100,000’s of extremely dedicated followers and it’s likely that at least some of their loyal “fans” and supporters would show up at an event where they were speaking and maybe even endorsing via a partnership or some affiliate opportunities (creative marketing, lightbulb, gotta think outside the box at this stage) Hmm!?? Duh.

These people who already have a “street cred” and put in the work and have solid track records and plenty of success from many years is what’s missing from the domain conferences formula to truly breakthrough and become memorable / unique. Even if 50 or lets say 100 new “SEO” and “SEM” junkies came to these conferences after Aaron Wall or Rand Fishkin told them in advance it’s going to be a great event, must attend, tons of cool stuff going on, etc….  Provided them with discounted admission rates and other sweet talking.

These people are keyword domain fiends. They would buy everything up… Forget end-users. They would snap everything up that was priced “reasonably” and the whole atmosphere at these events would be different…. But no, nobody has thought of doing something like this. Don’t know why… Hmmm??! I don’t think that any of the conference organizers have a problem paying up $15k or $30k or $50k or whatever the “appearance” or “speaking” fee is for that one day… That is chump change. Come on now ;)

Stop Wasting Everybody’s Time

So really, sooner than later, somethings gotta give. These conferences are hyped up with so much bullshit as of late… The “auctions” are suppose to be a big attraction and then there is a “crazy buckwild party” but come on… These are about doing business at the end of the day, so take out the hype and go back to the basics. Maybe even start from scratch. Something right now isn’t right and the domain industry and it’s insiders are being wronged in more than just one ways. Patience is running out. You are on thin ice!

Time is money… and I do hate seeing all these opportunities to break out onto the big stage, just never ever materializing as they should. Maybe we just need some new blood, but who can step it up…. Ahh!? Or maybe things will take care on their own, and poof… One or two of these failures will disappear literally overnight and we will all be better off that way. Who knows? Expect the unexpected in this biz… That’s how it is my friends.

2 comments total

  • What possible advantage could there be in attending? Oh yeah, “networking”. I can network from her just fine, thanks.

    I am not a fan of these events either. I am by trade a developer and end-user, and have only made about a quarter million selling urls, so I don’t count as a big-fish.

    And frankly, as a developer, I am not going to be letting go of any more of my “category killer” domains. But that was not always the case.

    I was once given free tickets to the geo domains conference. I turned them down. As a condition of taking them, I was required to make hotel reservations through the giver’s hotel affiliate link. At the Ritz. Hotels offer a simple service for the money they are paid, ego petting and overpaying are not one of them. No thanks.

    These circuses are also where a few are able to manipulate markets for their own ends. Remember when you were told that a domain name did not matter? Even recently there have been insinuations that Geo domains will shortly lose value? How about the great IDNS stampede (which never happened)?

    You think that’s air you’re breathing, Neo?

    Domain conferences are huge drunken snake oil and rumor bazaars and time spent at one of these is time that should have been spent doing actual work.

  • I think the whole purpose of the conference is to get out, meet some friendly faces, friends in the same industry also learn a thing or two that will advance your career or business.

    While the whole thing usually seem to surround the auctions, I don’t think they are lacking in quality of names, yet the pricing. Most attenders are domainers who want to buy at wholesale prices or slightly above wholesale. No one really wants to buy end user pricing unless there is a business model behind it to support its ROI.

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