Comments on: Dude, you are f*cking crazy… ! Expired domains and auctions Sat, 05 Feb 2011 10:59:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Mike Sun, 23 May 2010 02:57:28 +0000 As a service provider for many many years, I can sniff out the bullshit from the first few e-mails usually... But not always. Anyways, it's all good. It is what it is. As a service provider for many many years, I can sniff out the bullshit from the first few e-mails usually… But not always. Anyways, it’s all good. It is what it is.

By: Jesse Jesse Sun, 23 May 2010 01:18:34 +0000 OK, I took your advice and did a little "Google" and well.. I take back some of what I said lol.... youtube has some awesome vids of his to.... one in particular makes me think of the lyrics "I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can so I can..." anyhow, yeah.. I kind of see your point now. OK, I took your advice and did a little “Google” and well.. I take back some of what I said lol…. youtube has some awesome vids of his to…. one in particular makes me think of the lyrics “I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can so I can…”

anyhow, yeah.. I kind of see your point now.

By: Mike Mike Sat, 22 May 2010 17:40:10 +0000 @ Jesse I did some research on this guy just a few days ago and if you "google" him as well, you will see that he is full of shit and out to rip off people. Playing stupid is just part of his game. Some people will go to great length's to rip others off.. I had somebody manage to do a chargeback after almost 1 year on a domain development project we completed for him successfully last year which he was 110% satisfied with... CRAZY SHIT :) @ Jesse

I did some research on this guy just a few days ago and if you “google” him as well, you will see that he is full of shit and out to rip off people. Playing stupid is just part of his game.

Some people will go to great length’s to rip others off.. I had somebody manage to do a chargeback after almost 1 year on a domain development project we completed for him successfully last year which he was 110% satisfied with… CRAZY SHIT :)

By: Jesse Jesse Sat, 22 May 2010 14:06:47 +0000 I have to admit I got a few chuckles while reading this BUT I think you are walking a fine line between being inappropriate and completely tacky.. When you run a business as you do, there comes a time when you have to think before you write whats on your mind. How do you think this reflects on you and your company? If potential clients read this they may think you are going to do the same "outing" to them if they don't have sites that fit your mold or if they are completely clueless about domain development. I know this little rant would be enough to make me not recommend you to anyone I know. "Bob" states that he is disabled, did you ever even take a second to consider that maybe he is developmentally disabled or that he may just be a big dreamer and not have the capacity to understand what he is asking for? It is of course your business and you are free at any time to turn down any client you don't want to work with and you are also free to say anything you want on your site but I would encourage you to spend 10 seconds thinking if what you are about to say will make you sound like an ass before you actually click on the post button next time. I have to admit I got a few chuckles while reading this BUT I think you are walking a fine line between being inappropriate and completely tacky.. When you run a business as you do, there comes a time when you have to think before you write whats on your mind. How do you think this reflects on you and your company? If potential clients read this they may think you are going to do the same “outing” to them if they don’t have sites that fit your mold or if they are completely clueless about domain development.

I know this little rant would be enough to make me not recommend you to anyone I know. “Bob” states that he is disabled, did you ever even take a second to consider that maybe he is developmentally disabled or that he may just be a big dreamer and not have the capacity to understand what he is asking for?

It is of course your business and you are free at any time to turn down any client you don’t want to work with and you are also free to say anything you want on your site but I would encourage you to spend 10 seconds thinking if what you are about to say will make you sound like an ass before you actually click on the post button next time.

By: Sharon Hayes Sharon Hayes Sat, 22 May 2010 10:19:59 +0000 haha thanks for the laugh! I deal with similar q's almost daily so nice to know I am not alone! haha thanks for the laugh! I deal with similar q’s almost daily so nice to know I am not alone!
